Nina specialises in training assistance dogs

My CPI Training Demonstration for HM Queen Elizabeth 11 2004

Nina is the author & illustrator of “Hearts, Minds and Paws” – a book on dogs with unusual working roles

Nina signing copies of her puppy training video at Crufts

Nina filming one of her many TV appearances

Nina bred and trained Rottweilers and other breeds for Search and Rescue

Nina has been interviewed for radio & TV many times

Nina delivers seminars all over the world

Puppy crate training
Nina's Superpuppy classes introduce your puppy to all the life lessons needed to be a well-balanced, happy and controllable dog

Teaching handling without biting

Teaching a puppy left toe to right toe

As a member of the Assistance Dogs International committees for Trainers and Training Standards, Nina helped develop accreditation practises and procedures for Assistance Dog organisations worldwide

Assistance dog training involves rewarding a dog near a fallen person

Kermit puts the footplates down for Judy

Kermit helping Judy with the shopping

Assistance dog Yukon pressing the home phone

Nina teaches motivational behavioural training and management techniques to Police Dog Instructors and Handlers

Nina has trained many animals from chickens to horses
Nina has delivered training courses for a range of animals including pigs

In March 2019 Nina ran seminars and courses in Victoria, Australia for the kennel club of Victoria

Nina search training Fila

Utz Der Dux Courage Test

Silky Bantam Chicken Training in upstate New York - September 2017
Nina chicken training in upstate New York - September 2017

Nina with a cockatoo

Nina filming for the BBC

Nina and bulldog filming for the BBC

Australian Silky Terrier
Small delightful Aussie breed

Puppy training for Michael McIntyre's dog

Dingo puppy